Acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA

Chiropractic San Diego CA Acupuncture Service

Are you looking for acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA? During your acupuncture appointment at Gaslamp Chiropractic, you start by lying in a relaxing room. Your acupuncturist inserts clean, single-use needles into specific areas of your body where you have indicated you have pain or other problems. They then leave the needles in place for a short time while you relax and breathe deeply.

Your entire appointment may last around 30 minutes to an hour. Gaslamp Chiropractic recommends one or two appointments per week for the best results.

At Gaslamp Chiropractic, a licensed acupuncturist plays an important role in the wellness team, offering holistic health care. Contact the office today or book an appointment online for your acupuncture consultation.

What is acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA?

Acupuncture uses very thin, sterilized needles inserted at specific points in your body to help treat many health conditions or help you maintain wellness. It is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in practice for thousands of years and has grown more and more popular in the United States over the last few decades.

Practitioners of acupuncture believe it helps balance the flow of energy (qi) throughout your body.

Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard With Cups

If disrupted, this flow can cause pain and other problems. Inserting the needles in the correct areas helps rebalance flow. The needles may also help stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue, prompting your body to naturally heal and care for itself.

Acupuncture should always be performed by a licensed acupuncturist, like those at Gaslamp Chiropractic. These professionals have undergone education and training to provide safe, effective treatment.

What conditions can acupuncture relieve?

Acupuncture may help you maintain overall wellness by improving your sleep, digestive health, and feelings of well-being.

It is also part of holistic treatment for many health conditions, including:

Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard Acupuncturist
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Infertility
  • Jaw pain (TMJ)
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Side effects of chemotherapy like nausea

Acupuncture can also help support lifestyle changes, like losing weight or quitting smoking. At Gaslamp Chiropractic, you can also use cupping, another traditional Chinese medicine, in combination with acupuncture to help with pain or inflammation.

Am I a candidate for acupuncture?

When practiced by an experienced, trained expert, acupuncture is very safe and poses few risks. However, acupuncture may not be right for everyone. You may face higher risks with acupuncture treatment if you:

  • Have a bleeding disorder
  • Take blood thinners
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Are pregnant

If any of these things describe you, you should speak to your doctor before undergoing acupuncture.

Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard Using Acupuncture On Client

10:00am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 4:30pm


8:00am - 4:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm


Gaslamp Chiropractic

500 Third Ave
San Diego, CA 92101

P: (619) 321-0093

F: (619) 321-0094

Acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA

Chiropractic San Diego CA Acupuncture Service

Are you looking for acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA? During your acupuncture appointment at Gaslamp Chiropractic, you start by lying in a relaxing room. Your acupuncturist inserts clean, single-use needles into specific areas of your body where you have indicated you have pain or other problems. They then leave the needles in place for a short time while you relax and breathe deeply.

Your entire appointment may last around 30 minutes to an hour. Gaslamp Chiropractic recommends one or two appointments per week for the best results.

At Gaslamp Chiropractic, a licensed acupuncturist plays an important role in the wellness team, offering holistic health care. Contact the office today or book an appointment online for your acupuncture consultation.


Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard With Cups

What is acupuncture in Downtown San Diego CA?

Acupuncture uses very thin, sterilized needles inserted at specific points in your body to help treat many health conditions or help you maintain wellness. It is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in practice for thousands of years and has grown more and more popular in the United States over the last few decades.

Practitioners of acupuncture believe it helps balance the flow of energy (qi) throughout your body. If disrupted, this flow can cause pain and other problems. Inserting the needles in the correct areas helps rebalance flow. The needles may also help stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue, prompting your body to naturally heal and care for itself.

Acupuncture should always be performed by a licensed acupuncturist, like those at Gaslamp Chiropractic. These professionals have undergone education and training to provide safe, effective treatment.


Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard Acupuncturist

What conditions can acupuncture relieve?

Acupuncture may help you maintain overall wellness by improving your sleep, digestive health, and feelings of well-being.

It is also part of holistic treatment for many health conditions, including:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Infertility
  • Jaw pain (TMJ)
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Side effects of chemotherapy like nausea

Acupuncture can also help support lifestyle changes, like losing weight or quitting smoking. At Gaslamp Chiropractic, you can also use cupping, another traditional Chinese medicine, in combination with acupuncture to help with pain or inflammation.


Chiropractic San Diego CA Sonja Lokensgard Using Acupuncture On Client

Am I a candidate for acupuncture?

When practiced by an experienced, trained expert, acupuncture is very safe and poses few risks. However, acupuncture may not be right for everyone. You may face higher risks with acupuncture treatment if you:

  • Have a bleeding disorder
  • Take blood thinners
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Are pregnant

If any of these things describe you, you should speak to your doctor before undergoing acupuncture.

10:00am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 4:30pm


8:00am - 4:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm


Gaslamp Chiropractic

500 Third Ave
San Diego, CA 92101

P: (619) 321-0093

F: (619) 321-0094